Putting myself out there

As a photographer sometimes I run out of clients work to post so i use my kids, family and sometimes I even step in front of the camera myself. I posted some photos of my self in my boudoir group and well had someone comment something that was very, well shocking to say the least. She began to tell me that I was beautiful but she was shocked I would show the world. +
Yes I am showing the world. I'm not ashamed of who I am or who I have become. I am a mother to 7 children, 3 of them I carried for 9 months. I have earned my tiger stripes and have come along way to accept them as a part of me. They will forever be a part of who I am. They aren't so bad anyway, I joke they look like the monster energy logo so they are pretty neat to me. lol
Being in front of the camera is still not easy for me. I'm still self conscience of how I pose and how it looks in camera. Some say that is the photographer coming out in me. And it probably is true to an extent. I have some shots that I shot myself. Those were hard as I had to set a timer and had 10 seconds to get back and pose. Not so easy at all! I have some shots that I taught my friends how to use my lights and camera. They did very well for never using a camera before! And then I have some shots from a dear friend of mine and fellow photographer Denise Richardson.
Yes i have had an array of comments on my photos. Ranging from other women bashing me for putting myself out there to other man telling my husband he is one lucky man. I have heard it all and you know what none of it bothers me to an extent. It does bother me when they say things negative to my work versus my appearance.
I put myself out there to show my clients that if I can do it then so can they. How can I sell a "product" that I haven't tried myself. How can I ask them for permission to post their images on my site, group, social media, etc if I can't post them of myself. How can I ask my ladies to have the confidence to get in front of the camera if I myself can't do it. So yes I am showing the world my images. I am putting my self out there for everyone to see!